Release Notes TeamPort 4.6.0
Server/ Framework
Updated many dependent libraries to Java 17 LTS, MariaDB 10.11 LTS. Significant update to database modules and persistence of forecast data. These changes are consistent with the improved simulator speed and the improved accuracy of forecasted rework and meetings effort and cost. MacOS version notarized with Apple to streamline installation.
Server/ Framework
Updated many dependent libraries to Java 17 LTS, MariaDB 10.11 LTS. Significant update to database modules and persistence of forecast data. These changes are consistent with the improved simulator speed and the improved accuracy of forecasted rework and meetings effort and cost. MacOS version notarized with Apple to streamline installation.
- Default values for location travel duration and cost updated, including new multipliers depending on the currency of the project. As before, these defaults can be overwritten by the user.
- Look and Feel updated to latest Flat Look and Feel, consistent across Windows, MacOS, and Linux version.
- Shortcut Keys to open Simulator, Forecast, and Design Walk (Cntl Shft S, Cntl F, and Cntl W)
- Simulator is 20% to 30% faster, especially for projects with meetings. Memory requirements also reduced.
- Rework calculated more accurately with separate calculations and statistics for each primary and assisting teams.
- Meeting Attendee information for effort and travel calculated and stored more precisely, avoiding use of assumptions and averages.
- New feature: Sim Settings Key: upper right: Show forecast iD#, simulator settings summary and number of simulations
- New Feature: Open Recent: Most recent forecasts are cached, allow rapid switching between forecasts. Menu item and shortcut keys (Cntl Left and right) to toggle. The Forecast view stays in the same position, so that the particular view can be compared easily.
- New Feature: REPORT exports include cost, with detail cost breakdown for product, team, phase, and activity.
- When Designer switches to a different project, the Forecast app returns to the empty state.
- Forecast application window starts without loading a forecast, but indicates “To open a forecast” in visible text when in this “empty” state.
- Detail tables now show consistent alternate row coloring throughout
- Overview Charts: bar charts now shown in upper section of detail pane, as charts are fixed height and tables (now below) are variable.
- Improved algorithms for calculation of effort and cost breakdown across WBS, PBS, and OBS, leading to consistency and speed.
- Gantt chart key: now indicates primary, assist, and coordination colors bars in upper left.
- Sort of Gantt activities, tasks, and products improved and consistency based on comparison of start dates (within one day) and end dates.
- Activity Avg. Suspect and Defects now shown in detail pane.
- Timeline chart now visible directly as tab in Gantt Activity, Product, and Phase detail panes, to allow quick comparison when toggling recent forecasts. (Can still be opened as pop up dialog)